Harris Associates’ Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Council hosted Steve Rogers, entrepreneur, professor and trustee of the Oakmark Funds, as a guest speaker as part of its efforts to honor Black History Month. Joe Allessie, deputy general counsel at the firm, interviewed Rogers. Through examples ripe with research and anecdotes, Rogers discussed the wealth gap between Black and White Americans. He also provided historical context about Juneteenth as a new market holiday and explored the impact of redlining in cities like Chicago. He concluded his remarks by providing actions everyone can take to help address the wealth inequity in our communities.
As the conversation came to a close, employees were quick to share their praise, some of which included:
- “Kudos to Joe and Steve for having such an engaging dialogue about Black history and what folks can do in their cities and communities.” – Director of Operations, International Research
- “That was an excellent session. I appreciated hearing more about Steve’s background and his success as an entrepreneur and educator.” – Managing Director, Marketing & Client Relations
- “Steve’s thoughtful and candid discussion provided valuable insights that we all can reflect upon. Thank you to the DEI Council for providing a platform for such important conversations.” – Portfolio Manager