Value investing redefined

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83 results


Rationality Amidst Uncertainty

…some of their financially weaker competitors struggle. We continue to believe that buying companies that trade at a steep discount to our estimate of the company’s intrinsic value, are growing…



…a quantitative foundation on which it is valued. We did not participate in the late 1990s dot-com boom primarily because we did not understand how companies with very low levels…


Optimism Amidst Uncertainty

…two-year period. Looking at the relevant statistics paints an important picture. Our Private Wealth Management composite portfolio comprises our team’s top holdings. The current P/E ratio is approximately 12.4x next…


Fortune Favors the Patient

When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions. —Shakespeare 2022 is now behind us— that is perhaps one of the best things we can say about it….


Bill Nygren on CNBC’s “Squawk on the Street” (10.09.23) Portfolio Manager Bill Nygren appeared on CNBC’s “Squawk on the Street” to discuss recent portfolio activity. The holdings mentioned comprise the following percentages of total net assets as of…


Alex Fitch on CNBC’s “Squawk on the Street” (10.30.23) Portfolio Manager Alex Fitch discussed the opportunities to be found in the financials and energy sectors during an interview on CNBC’s “Squawk on the Street.” The holdings mentioned comprise…


More on Growth vs. Value Investing

Communications. We think Charter is an inexpensive stock that investors are treating as a dying cable TV company instead of a leading, growing infrastructure company, providing hi-speed internet access. Morningstar…


Mike Nicolas on CNBC’s “Squawk on the Street” (12.07.23)

…and Income Fund: The stocks of medium-sized companies tend to be more volatile than those of large companies and have underperformed the stocks of small and large companies during some…


Going where the value is greater: international equities

…than the stocks of larger companies. Stocks of small companies tend to be more volatile and have a smaller public market than stocks of larger companies. Small companies may have…


Alex Fitch on CNBC’s “Fast Money” (01.17.24) Portfolio Manager Alex Fitch shares why he sees opportunity in a financials company due to its competitive moat during a CNBC “Fast Money” interview. The holdings mentioned comprise the…